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Alliance Store
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Welcome to the Alliance Store

Explore our range of products and resources designed to support the home care community.

The Alliance offers several lines of products for purchase. Categories include:

  • Pre-Recorded Webinars about clinical and business topics, available for viewing on your own time, either in the office or at home.
  • Home Care Directories of our member agencies, relied on both by referral sources and families across the state.
  • Other Publications, such as our annual compensation survey and various brochures and pamphlets.
  • All Products, including the above as well as Accreditation Postcards & Stickers, Choose an Agency postcards, and other items.

The Alliance ships anywhere in the United States for free and accepts all major credit cards.

Members should be sure to log in to the site with their usernames and passwords, both to save time at checkout and to receive member discounts.