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Political Action Committee
Political Action Committee - FAQ

Political Action Committee - FAQ

The PAC for Home Care is dedicated to enhancing the political influence of the home care industry by pooling financial resources and supporting candidates who will represent our interests. The PAC operates independently and is non-partisan.

Your contributions allow us to sponsor political events and support key policymakers who understand the long-term care sector. Individuals and businesses are welcome to contribute, and there are no contribution limits.

To make a donation, please email Harrison Collins, Director of PAC for Home Care at

PAC Image

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a PAC?

According to Massachusetts Office of Campaign and Political Finance (OCFP), a PAC is “any committee, association, organization or other group of persons which receives contributions or makes expenditures for the purpose of influencing the nomination or election of a candidate, or candidates.”

How do I become a member of the PAC?

All you need to do is donate! ONLY INDIVIDUALS CAN MAKE DONATIONS TO THE PAC, Businesses/Organizations are not allowed to make contributions to a PAC.

The limit from an individual to a PAC is $500 per calendar year. A contributor’s name and address must be collected by the committee for all contributions, even small amounts of cash.

For contributions of $200 or more for the calendar year, in addition to their name and address, Massachusetts requires the donor to provide their occupation and employer.

Contributions may be made through peer-to-peer cash apps, such as Venmo, Cash App and Zelle, but must be for $50 or less per individual per calendar year. A contributor’s name and address must be collected by the committee.

Why should I donate to the PAC?

Donating to the PAC amplifies the impact of your political contributions. The PAC consolidates individual donations into a more substantial fund, which often attracts greater attention from the receiving political candidates.

Where does my donation go?

Your contribution is combined with other donations and is used to support political candidates who advocate for home-based care for members of the Commonwealth. The PAC is non-partisan, supporting candidates from both major parties and legislators of varying seniority levels across the state.

How does the PAC choose which candidates to support?

The PAC considers several factors when deciding which candidates to endorse, including leadership roles, committee assignments, voting records, and their relationship with and understanding of the Massachusetts home-based care industry. The main goal of the PAC is to support candidates that will further our home-based care objectives.

Can I request support for a specific candidate?

We encourage members to voice their support for candidates they are passionate about. Each request is evaluated by the PAC. While we cannot guarantee contributions to individual candidates, your input is valuable and welcomed.

How do I know my donation is being used responsibly?

PACs are subject to strict reporting and transparency laws. Regularly filed reports with the Massachusetts OCFP detail contributions and expenditures, providing full transparency and accountability to donors.

Can I split my donation into smaller amounts?

Yes, you can break up your payments as much as you want. For reporting, all that matters is the total amount over the calendar year. A contributor’s name and address must be collected by the committee for all contributions, even small cash amounts. If total contributions are over $200 a year, the donor’s occupation and employer are required in addition.

What happens if I exceed the contribution limit?

If an individual unintentionally exceeds the $500 limit, the PAC will typically refund the excess amount to remain compliant with Massachusetts campaign finance laws.

Can I donate on behalf of someone else?

No, PAC contributions must be made by the individual donor. Contributions on behalf of others are prohibited, as they can lead to compliance issues and misrepresentation in financial reporting.

What restrictions are there on using PAC funds?

PAC funds cannot be used for personal expenses or to support candidates outside of the PAC's mission. Funds are strictly regulated and designated only for political contributions that advance the PAC's goals.

Are contributions tax-deductible?

Contributions to the PAC are voluntary and not tax-deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes. The PAC is required to report all contributors' names, addresses, and occupations to the Massachusetts OCFP for transparency.

Can I request my funds to support candidates from a specific political party?

No. The PAC is non-partisan and does not support one particular political party. Earmarking funds for one party would contradict our goal of supporting candidates that can best support Massachusetts home-based care.

What kind of reporting does the PAC have to do?

PACs are required to regularly report contributions and expenditures to ensure transparency. These reports include contributor details (name, address, occupation, and employer, if contributions exceed $200). The frequency of these reports varies depending on the election cycle and state requirements.